AH2000 Logo Accepted Papers

Full Papers

Dynamic Generation of Adaptive Web Catalogs
L. Ardissono and A. Goy

An Intelligent Tutor for a Web-based Chess Course
Antonio Baena, Maria-Victoria Belmonte, and Lawrence Mandow

Adapting Web-Based Information to the Needs of Patients with Cancer
Diana Bental, Alison Cawsey, Janne Pearson and Ray Jones

Group User Models for Personalized Hyperlink Recommendations
Johan Bollen

Adaptive Navigation Support and Adaptive Collaboration Support in WebDL
Jesus G. Boticario, Elena Gaudioso and Felix Hernandez

Case-Based User Profiling for Content Personalisation
K. Bradley, R. Rafter and B. Smyth

Providing Tailored (Context-Aware) Information to City Visitors
Keith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell and Paul Smith

Adding Adaptive Features to Virtual Reality Interfaces for E-Commerce
L. Chittaro and R. Ranon

WAPing the Web: Content Personalisation for WAP-Enabled Devices
P. Cotter and B. Smyth

Extendible Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware: Integrating Different Courses and Web Material
N. Henze and W. Nejdl

Logically Optimal Curriculum Sequences for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
Roland Hübscher

Towards Zero-Input Personalization: Referrer-Based Page Prediction
N. Kushmerick, J. McKee, F. Toolan

LiveInfo: Adapting Web Experience by Customization and Annotation
P. P. Maglio and S. Farrell

Adaptivity for Conceptual and Narrative Flow in Hyperbooks: the MetaLinks System
Tom Murray, Tina Shen, Janette Piemonte, Chris Condit, Jason Thibedeau

The MacroNode Approach: Mediating between Adaptive and Dynamic Hypermedia
E. Not and M. Zancanaro

ECHOES: An Immersive Training Experience
Gregory O'Hare, Katherine Sewell, Aidan Murphy, Thomas Delahunty

A Connectionist Approach for Supporting Personalized Learning in a Web-based Learning Environment
K.A. Papanikolaou, G.D. Magoulas and M. Grigoriadou

Adaprive Hypertext Design Environments: Putting Principles into Practice
D. Petrelli, D. Baggio and G. Pezzulo

ECSAIWeb: A Web-based Authoring System to Create Adaptive Learning Systems
C. Sanrach and M. Grandbastien

Adaptive Content in an Online Lecture System
Mia K. Stern and Beverly Park Woolf

A Web-Based Soctratic Tutor for Tree Recognition
Mónica Trella, Ricardo Conejo, Eduardo Guzmán

Adaptation Control in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
H. Wu, P. De Bra, A. Aerts and G.J. Houben

Short Papers:

An Agent-Based approach to Adaptive Hypermedia using a link service
Christopher Bailey and Wendy Hall

Adaptive Testing by Test++
M.Barra, G.Palmieri, S.Napolitano, V.Scarano, L.Zitarosa

What Does the User Want to Know About Web Resources? A User Model for Metadata
Diana Bental, Alison Cawsey, Patrick McAndrew and Bruce Eddy

Web Information Retrieval for Designing Distance Hypermedia Courses
A. Boitel and D. Leclet

Formative Evaluation of Adaptive CALLware: A Case Study
L. Calvi

How Adaptivity Affects the Development of TANGOW Web-based Courses
R.M. Carro, E. Pulido and P. Rodríguez

An Adaptive Web Content Delivery System
Jinlin Chen, Yudong Yang, and Hongjiang Zhang

Knowledge Computing Method for Enhancing the Effectiveness of a WWW Distance Education System
Alexandra Cristea and Toshio Okamoto

Interface Adaptation to Style of User-Computer Interaction
M. Dimitrova, D. Boyadjiev and N. Butorin

Adaptation and Generation in a Web-based Lisp Tutor
Fernández-Anta A., Millán E., Pérez-de-la-Cruz J.L.

Collaborative Maintenance in ULYSSES
Ferrario, M.A., Waters, K, Smyth, B.

An Adaptive Open Hypermedia System on the Web
G. Fulantelli, R. Rizzo, M. Arrigo and R. Corrao

Towards an Adaptive Learners' Dictionary
Johann Gamper and Judith Knapp

Concept Filtering and Spatial Filtering in an Adaptive Information System
Serge Garlatti, Sebastien Iksal,

Analysing Web Search Logs to Determine Session Boundaries for User-Oriented Learning
A. Goker and D. He

Learning User Profiles in NAUTILUS
M. Gori, M. Maggini, E. Martinelli, and F. Scarselli

Lexical Chaining for Web based Retrieval of Breaking News
Paula Hatch, Nicola Stokes, Joe Carthy

Designing for Social Navigation of Food Recipes
K. Höök, J. Laaksolahti, M. Svensson, and A. Waern

A Study Comparing the Use of Shaded Text and Adaptive Navigational Support in Adaptive Hypermedia
Jatinder K. Hothi, Wendy Hall and Tim Sly

Layered Evaluation of Adaptive Applications and Services
C. Karagiannidis and D. Sampson

Exploratory Activity Support based on a Semantic Feature Map
Mizue Kayama, Toshio Okamoto, and Alexandra I. Cristea

Adaptivity in AHMED
J. Kurhila and E. Sutinen

An Adaptive Document Generation Based on Matrix of Contents
Mona Laroussi, Mohamed Benahmed, and Mauro Marinilli

Logical Dimensions for the Information Provided by a Virtual Guide
L. Marucci, F. Paternò

Automated Collaborative Filtering Applications for Online Recruitment Services
Rachael Rafter, Keith Bradley, and Barry Smyth

ConTexts: Adaptable Hypermedia
m.c. schraefel

Coherence in Modularly Composed Adaptive Learning Documents
Cornelia Seeberg, Achim Steinacker, and Ralf Steinmetz

ACE* Adaptive Courseware Environment
M. Specht

The Adaptive University Calendar
Manfred Stede and Stephan Koch

Sense-Based User Modelling for Web Sites
C. Strapparava and B. Magnini and A. Stefani

Generating Personal Travel Guides from Discourse Plans
Ross Wilkinson, Shijian Lu, François Paradis, Cécile Paris, Stephen Wan, MingFang Wu

DC Papers

Distributed Systems for Group Adaptivity on the Web
Maria Barra

Open Multimedia Environment to Retrieve and Organise Documents: an Adaptive Web-based IR System in the Field of Textile and Clothing Industry
Cristiano Chesi and Francesca Rizzo

Researching Adaptive Instruction
Juan E. Gilbert and Chia Y. Han

A Modular Approach for User Modelling
I. Torre

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